Rühle Tumbler MKR 220, with vacuum, scraping arm, container size 220 liters, adjustable Touch-PC control, direct cooling by strong cooling unit, mixing and kneading, up to 50 rounds per minute, all...
Ruhle Miknetum MGR 900, newest generation of Tumbler, with vacuum, mixing arm, container size 900 liters, filling size 675 Liters, intelligent touch-PC control, direct cooling by strong cooling uni...
Rühle Miknetum MGR 1500, newest generation of Tumbler, with vacuum, mixing arm, container size 1500 liters, filling size 900 Liters, intelligent Touch-PC control, direct cooling by strong cooling u...
Krämer + Grebe angle grinder WW 160, mincer all stainless steel, with loading device, 160 mm hole plate diameter, 1-speed, approx. 400 liters hopper capacity, worm housing as well as nut all stainl...